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Why do we offer perfume?

Saint Valentin et parfum
Offer perfume
Is it a gift like any other?
Not really, when you think about it. Perfume is an intimate product. Invisible witness of our daily life, it follows us wherever we go. Erased, discreet, present or even thundering, it is up to us to choose its character. Who has never seen their morning, even their day ruined by a perfume that is too heady, too brawling? On the contrary, who has never been angry with his fragrant companion who is too shy?
And then there are those silent imprints he leaves on our memories, out of sight of our consciousness. Each stage of life spent in his presence will be so many indelible markers in the memory. These Proust madeleines, these time capsules that arrive without warning, everywhere, all the time. On a stranger, a relative, a friend, a neighbour, the olfactory memory has this wonderfully random striking force. For good or for bad.
How difficult and disturbing it is to come across the scent of an ex. This example, a bit rough, allows a transition to the next question.
Smell a bouquet of flowers
so why the hell do we offer it?
If it is so intimate, as seen above, and despite everything, we persist in offering perfume, there must be a reason.
In my opinion, there are several; the first being extremely pragmatic. This is the practical side of this gift. Indeed, if we know the person well, to the point of knowing what perfume she usually wears, why would we deprive ourselves of an easy gift that is sure to please?
The second reason is this gateway to luxury, a world that is usually inaccessible. By offering this or that perfume, we offer the image, often very elaborate, of a brand, of a universe. The perfume that is transmitted then becomes a sesame towards the ultra selective.
Then, culturally, perfume is a product that offers a lot. In the West, but also in Asia, where we give a perfume for the symbolism. No need to use it afterwards.
Finally, there is another reason, more tacit, more induced: a powerful link to affect. The perfume is a special product, because it influences, unconsciously on its owner. It is an excellent way for the one who offers it to mark the intimacy of the one who receives it. We often associate, with crazy ease, a smell with someone. It even sometimes becomes a real olfactory identity card. To the point where we refuse to buy a perfume because so and so wears it. Ultimately, we will gladly associate the perfume we wear with the one who gave it to us. Smart and cute at the same time :)

Valentine's Day
Ultimately, and you will have understood it, offering a perfume is never insignificant. So, in this Valentine's Day period if your choice is confined to the Holy Trinity: perfume, chocolate or bouquet of flowers, opt for a gift that he or she will remember ;).